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Hi, I'm Yun Cai 🦍Strongest tech enthusiast, start up founder, full-stack web developer, and freelancer.


I'm Yun. A full-stack developer with a bachelor's in computer engineering/minor in computer science who develops and maintains mobile and web applications and has more than 3 years of experience in the area. I am an expert on the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js) stack. Working on large projects that have given me a lot of experience, and I'm proud of both the quality of my work and my commitment to learning. My objective is to make as many happy customers as I can while also learning as much as i can from them.


I started my journey as a tech enthusiast and self-taught developer in my early teens, which paved the way for a fulfilling career in technology. Over the years, I have worked on several innovative projects and freelanced for multiple clientel in various industries. I have also founded a start-up company that focuses on developing web and mobile applications for small businesses and individuals. I am currently working as a full-stack developer at a tech company, where I am responsible for developing and maintaining web applications and APIs.

Some of my cool projects I doos

I've worked on a variety of cool shits, from simple websites to full stack applications to hardware development. Here are a few of my favorites. You can find more on my project page.
AI Youtube Lecturer Summarizer
NextJS | TailwindCSS | ShadCN UI | API Routes | OpenAI GPT-4

A web app that uses AI to summarize Youtube lectures and videos.

AI Local Business Directory App
NextJS | MongoDB | Clerk | Tailwind

A local business directory app that uses AI to recommend businesses based on user preferences.

Typescript | NextJS | ConvexDB | Node

A social media platform for foodies to share their favorite dishes and recipes.

Yelp Clone

A clone of the popular business review site Yelp using the Yelp API

Javascript | ReactNative | Expo | JSX

A weather app that provides real-time weather updates and forecasts.

Six-axis Glove Controlled Robotic Arm
Arduino | RaspberryPi | Python | C++ | TactigonOne

A robotic arm that can be controlled using a glove with a six-axis sensor.

IOT Smart Ventilation System
Arduino | Xcode | Swift | C++

A smart ventilation system that uses IOT to monitor and control air quality.